Apple Cider Vinegar with Cinnamon & Fenugreek (C&F) It was thought that Apple Cider Vinegar might slow the absorption of carbohydrate into the blood, or slow the breakdown of starches into sugars which controls Sugar shooting after havingheavy meals. Apple Cider Vinegar – (A) It slows the breakdown of starches into sugars. (B)It also helps to make your body alkaline. Cinnamon – (A)It has a compound which mimics insulin & absorbs glucose. (B) It has Natural Anti-Inflammatory property. Fenugreek – (A) It contains amino acids responsible for inducing the production of insulin. (B) Stimulates beta cells to produce quality insulin. Dosage : 15ML In a glass of water 30 min prior to Lunch & 5min Before going to Bed.
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